The Celtics Have Signed C Aron Baynes To A One Year Deal

There it is. Had to step away and throw a couple quick thoughts on this because if you’re an avid reader you know we talked about Baynes being a potential Ainge target this summer. Losing Amir and Zeller, probably Mickey too, they needed another big that wasn’t really a small forward.

It’s no secret the Celts needed to address their front court situation this summer outside of Yabu/Zizic and that’s what Baynes does. Listen I know he isn’t this super sexy name. In fact there’s a chance some of you might not even know who the hell this dude is, but believe me when I tell you he absolutely fits a need. A player with a 21.6% defensive rebound rate and an overall rebound rate of 15.6% he’s probably coming in as one of the better rebounders on the team. He isn’t some tremendous shot blocker, but he’s a giant body who will be physical down low and do a lot of the dirty work this lineup needs. It also doesn’t hurt that he’s a very very good FT shooter for a big at 84%. This tells me they’ll be able to use him late in games and not have to worry about being a liability at the line.

The best part of this deal is that it’s only one year. While I’m sure the Celtics would have preferred someone like Dedmon, he clearly has a market that’s too pricey, and this signing in no way messes anything up for future moves/flexibility. It’s been a while since th Celtics have had this type of bruising big man, and chances are he’s your starting center come October.

I don’t think this means they can’t bring in Yabu or anything but don’t quote me on that I’m a little preoccupied. Either way I’m all about this low risk move at a position and need that they desperately had to fill.

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